Hayward pool heater parts H100ID1 Control Module withigniter

Hayward pool heater parts H100ID1 Control Module withigniter

Hayward pool heater parts H100ID1 Control Module withigniter

Hayward pool heater parts H100ID1 Control Module withigniter

Hayward pool heater parts H100ID1 Control Module withigniter

Hayward pool heater parts H100ID1 Control Module withigniter

Pool heater was removed from service due to a leaking heat exchanger. Model: Hayward H100ID1 natural gas pool heater. Purpose: Heater for above ground pools and spas. Regulates inputs and commands output of igniter. No igniter unless pump is running, pressure sensed from induction blower, call-for-heat from thermostat. PN: (for reference only – not illustrated) 1DXMOD1930.

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